Trust in parent I trust the most and current romantic partners
Douglas Marquissee, Rayann Juteau
Faculty: Linda Weber
Douglas Marquissee Rayann Juteau Abstract What is the relationship between socialization, Trust in one’s self, and the impacts current /future relationships?
In this presentation, we are looking at two specific research questions. What is the relationship between an individual’s ability to share secrets with the parent that they trust the most, and the ability to share secrets with their current romantic partner? What is the relationship between how much one trusts the parent they trust the most, and how much one trusts their romantic partner? Trust is a social interaction between two or more individuals.
These interactions start at birth and continue through the rest of an individual’s life. Both of our research questions focus on the development of trust in younger years when the individual is growing up, and how those experiences can affect trust in later years with their romantic partners. Using survey monkey, we created a survey to gather information regarding trust in the family, trust in the self, and trust in one’s current romantic partner.
Taking these surveys and running through the SPSS program allowed us to gather statistics to help us better understand the relationships created and how they might affect each other.