An Exploration of Recruiting and Hands-On Training Methods through a Critical Examination of Human Resource Theories from the Perspective of a Small Farm Owner
Christina Carambia, Lisa Berardino
MBA Technology, College of Business, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, Utica, NY, USA
The thesis of this paper investigates the value of exploring recruiting and hands-on training methods for a unique small farm, through a self-reflection of the author’s perspective as a small farm owner and a critical examination of human resource theories.
This paper explores the application of theoretical frameworks in human resource management to hiring and training practices on small farms, emphasizing the integration of interactive workshops. Drawing upon Human Capital Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Expectancy Theory, and Identity Theory, the paper delves into how small farm owners can strategically approach the recruitment, selection, and development of their workforce through hands-on workshops. By understanding these theoretical perspectives and their practical implications, small farms can optimize their human resources while nurturing a culture of collaboration, growth, and shared purpose. The paper examines how each theory informs hiring and training practices, highlighting the role of workshops in enhancing employee engagement, skill development, and the identity of both the farm and employees. Through a comprehensive exploration, this paper provides insights for small farm owners seeking to leverage theoretical principles and workshop-based approaches to effectively recruit and train their human resources and drive sustainable success in agriculture.
The author concludes that there is value found in the creation of unique recruiting processes and hands-on training methods for a small farm, which is crafted from an integration of human resource theories and the small farm owner’s perspective.